Family Pluym
Art Director, Designer
Educative publisher Malmberg developed an online homework platform for elementary school called ‘Familie Pluym’ in 2012 to 2015.
I acted as principle designer (character and sets) and art director over the final phase, the last 1,5 year span of the project.
Client: Malmberg
Project coordinator: Gavin Esajas
online homework platform for elementary school
with 2D animated animated segments
Designing a cast
We had to create a narrative framework for children to do extra math and language practice at home. The premise of a weird and fun family unit was chosen to be the best fit to get into lots of situations to do exercises. I had the challenge to design this cast of characters.
House with character
The characters house should be an exciting place, placed in the midst of a normal typically Dutch neighbourhood. Al the rooms of the characters then again served as 'arenas' for different tasks within the software. I had a lot of fun developing this house.
Expanding the world
For the animated story introductions that would give meaning to each week of assignments, I had to design the whole town around the family. Here are a few examples.